July 9-12, the Third International Workshop - frontiers in photonics co-sponsored by TEDA Applied Physics Institute and School of physics was held in TEDA College. Luo Yanan, vice dean of School of physics, presided over the opening ceremony and made a brief introduction to the development of School of Physics.
The workshop provides a high level platform of academic exchange and international cooperation for more than 30 experts and scholars from 10 countries and regions, including United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, Italy, etc. During the workshop, Professor Steven Cundiff from the University of Michigan, Professor Ulf Peschel from University of Jena, Germany, Professor Roberto Morandotti from Canada National Academy of Sciences and other 15 international well-known optical experts made wonderful academic reports around themes of “nanophotonics, nonlinear optics, optical fiber and integrated optics, surface plasmon, ultrafast Photonics and biophotonics. During the workshop, invited experts and scholars discussed with more than 60 teachers and students from the domestic 15 well-known colleges, universities and Research Institute around the forefront of the field of optics. All participants said that they were inspired by the wonderful academic reports, discussions and poster presentations and understand the research achievements and the latest development trend of the field of photonics.
The closing ceremony was presided over by Kong Yongfa, vice dean of TEDA Applied Physics Institute. He pointed out that this workshop promotes the academic development of several frontiers in photonics, facilitates the academic exchanges and international cooperation in this field, and raises the academic profile of TEDA Applied Physics Institute and the School of physics.